>>> str = 'There is no coincidence. Only the illusion of coincidence.'
str.capitalize str.isalnum str.lstrip str.splitlines
str.center str.isalpha str.partition str.startswith
str.count str.isdigit str.replace str.strip
str.decode str.islower str.rfind str.swapcase
str.encode str.isspace str.rindex str.title
str.endswith str.istitle str.rjust str.translate
str.expandtabs str.isupper str.rpartition str.upper
str.find str.join str.rsplit str.zfill
str.format str.ljust str.rstrip
str.index str.lower str.split
- capitalize:字串的第一個字母大寫
- title:字串裡面像標題一樣,每個字的開頭大寫
- lower:全部小寫
- upper:全部大寫
- swapcase:大寫變小寫、小寫變大寫
- center:將字串放在中央
- ljust:將字串向左對齊
- rjust:將字串向右對齊
- zfill:字串前面填0
- count:計算某字串出現次數
- decode:編碼相關
- encode:編碼相關,參閱《Python的編碼》
- endswith:判斷字串結束是什麼,回傳bool
- startswith:判斷字串開始是什麼,回傳bool
- find:回傳某字串在str出現的位置,S.find() but raise ValueError
- rfind:從右邊用find算回來
- index:回傳某字串在str出現的位置,Return -1 on failure
- rindex:從右邊index開始算
- replace:取代
- translate:
- format:可以像printf一樣把數值代換但字串中,參考《字串格式化》
- isalnum:Return True if all characters in S are alphanumeric
- isalpha:Return True if all characters in S are alphabetic
- isdigit:Return True if all characters in S are digits
- islower:Return True if all cased characters in S are lowercase and there is
- at least one cased character in S, False otherwise.
- isspace:Return True if all characters in S are whitespace
- istitile:
- isupper:
- islower:
- join:Return a string which is the concatenation of the strings in theiterable.
- lstrip:字串前面的空格(或是指定字串)去除
- strip:字串後面的空格(或是指定字串)去除
- strip:前後東西去除
- partition:
- rpartition:
- split:
- rsplit:
- splitlines:把字串切成一行一行