2023年12月22日 星期五


Windows 11的R遠端桌面管理員RDCMan(Remote Desktop Connection Manager)設定檔案叫做RDCMan.settings,如果是用命令提示字元(CMD)用下列指令到存放設定的資料夾: 

  • cd "C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Remote Desktop Connection Manager"
  • dir RDCMan.settings


  • cd "C:\Users\$env:username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Remote Desktop Connection Manager"
  • ls RDCMan.settings



Postprocess upscale by: 2.5, Postprocess upscaler: LDSR

Time taken: 11 min. 38.7 sec. on Nvidia MX550
A: 3.08 GB, R: 3.31 GB, Sys: 2.0/2 GB (100.0%)

A ultradetailed beautiful concept art of the crystal formation of the prismatic crystal of hope is filled with the wonderful colors of the emotion around it in a forgotten cave lighten by the moon light and reflecting on the surface of a quiet lake, concept art, high resolution, 4k, by Artgerm

Steps: 20, Sampler: Euler, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 231235, Size: 512x256, Model hash: fc2511737a, Model: chilloutmix_NiPrunedFp32Fix, Version: v1.6.1

Time taken: 1 min. 23.0 sec. on Nvidia MX550
A: 1.70 GB, R: 2.26 GB, Sys: 2.0/2 GB (100.0%)

