2021年3月4日 星期四


pfSense 2.5.0要修改LAN的IPv4位址時,出現下列錯誤訊息 

The Router Advertisements Server is active on this interface and it can be used only with a static IPv6 configuration. Please disable the Router Advertisements Server service on this interface first, then change the interface configuration.

點選 Service > DHCPv6 Server & RA時出現下面的提示訊息

The DHCPv6 Server can only be enabled on interfaces configured with a static IPv6 address. This system has none.


  1. 暫時打開IPv6
    1. 設定IPv6 Configuration Type為 Static IPv6
    2. 給予IPv6位址 ::1
  2. Service > DHCPv6 Service & RA
    1. RA/LAN/Router Advertisement
    2. 把Router mode設定成 Disable
  3. 回到LAN設定,把IPv6給關閉
  4. 這個在LAN設定內就可以更改IPv4位址了



1 則留言:

  1. For more info visit this link https://www.stelladatarecovery.com/exchange-edb-recovery.html
